
为坚决快速阻断疫情传播链条,减少人员流动,尽早实现社会面“动态清零”, 现就进一步加强疫情防控有关措施通告如下:

In order to resolutely and quickly interrupt the transmission chain of COVID-19, reduce the flow of people, and realize the dynamic zero-COVID policy in the society as soon as possible, relevant measures for further intensifying epidemic prevention and control are announced as follows:

一、 安排居家办公。Arrange staff to work from home 。


Adopt working from home and working online ,like flexible working schedule, working online from home, telecommuting and other methods.

二、 加强学校防控管理。Epidemic prevention and control in schools is to be strengthened.


From May 5, all primary and secondary schools in Zhengzhou (including secondary vocational schools, special education schools, schools for children of foreigners, technical schools, etc.) will suspend offline schooling, and turn to online mode; kindergartens will suspend offline schooling and carry out online guidance on home life.

三、 实施小区封闭管理。Closed-off management in communities will be implemented.


One must wear masks and have his or her temperature taken and health code checked when entering a residential neighbourhood. Property management companies must fulfill the main responsibility for epidemic prevention and control, and in principle, only one entrance/exit of a residential neighborhood shall remain open. For residential areas without property management companies, special task forces should be organized by the sub-district or town authorities according to the territorial management principle, so as to implement the prevention and control measures required by closed-off management. Takeaways, parcels or anything else should be delivered and collected at designated places near the gate without any inter-personal contact and none of these service providers shall be allowed into the residential neighbourhood.

四、 有序参加核酸检测。Participate in nucleic acid tests in an orderly manner.


Starting from May 4, a new round of sub-district based large-scale nucleic acid testing will be carried out throughout the city. Please pay close attention to relevant notices. Make sure personal protection measures are taken during the testing process, maintain a safe distance, and avoid gatherings. Those who fail to get tested in time and cause the spread of the epidemic will be held accountable for corresponding legal liabilities.

五、 严格做好自我防护。Strict personal protective measures should be taken.


Please adhere to wearing masks, keeping social distance and personal hygiene. In your daily life still need to cover coughs and sneezes, wash your hands frequently and open the windows as much as possible. 


If you have coughing, fever and other suspected symptoms, please go to the hospital timely and cooperate to execute related prevention activities.


Life, health, and safety are more important than everything! Please pay attention to the following matters related withepidemic prevention and control in your daily work and life ,actively cooperate with the epidemic prevention and control work, thank you!




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