
         为使上合组织峰会各项无线电管理工作有章可循,满足上合组织峰会期间各项无线电业务的无线电频率资源需求,保证上合组织峰会举办期间各种合法无线电发射设备、无线电台(站)的正常工作,最大限度地减少各种有害无线电干扰,维护空中电波秩序,现就有关事项通告如下:        一、无线电频率使用申请        上合组织峰会筹备和举办期间,申请在会议活动场馆及其他指定区域内设置和使用无线电台(站)、无线电发射设备的组织或者个人,应向郑州无线电管理局提交无线电频率使用申请。        联系人:于玉航        联系电话:0371-65509960 0371-65506666        二、无线电设备的管理        1、在无线电台(站)、无线电发射设备进入会议活动场馆及其他指定区域内投入使用前,应将有关无线电发射设备送至郑州无线电管理局指定的检测地点,由郑州无线电管理局进行现场检测,不便移动的应当预约进行检测。        2、进入会议活动场馆及其他指定区域内的无线电台(站)、无线电发射设备,经检测合格,应粘贴“无线电管控专用标签”(以下简称“专用标签”)。        3、接入中国内地公众移动网络的漫游终端、便携式计算机中的嵌入式无线网卡、汽车无线遥控钥匙和照相机的无线遥控装置等设备在会议活动场馆及其他指定区域内使用,无需郑州市无线电管理局批准,无需粘贴专用标签。        4、除以上涉及的设备以外,其他平时无需办理无线电台执照的短距离(微功率)无线电发射设备,如:无线麦克风、无绳电话、无线电遥控玩具、公众对讲机等,在会议举办期间,未粘贴专用标签的,不得进入会议活动场馆及其他指定区域内使用。        三、无线电发射设备入(出)境管理        在本次上合组织峰会筹备和举办期间,拟进入会议活动场馆及其他指定区域内使用的临时入境的无线电台(站)、无线电发射设备,请到河南省工业和信息化委员会办理进关批件,并按照海关相关规定复运出境。        四、无线电干扰申诉和监督检查        1、在本次上合组织峰会会议活动场馆及其他指定区域内获准使用的无线电设备受到无线电干扰时,有关的组织或者个人可向河南省工业和信息化委员会提出干扰申诉。        2、任何产生有害干扰的无线电台(站)、无线电设备以及使用辐射无线电波的非无线电设备,其使用者和所有者应当立即采取措施消除有害干扰。        3、河南省工业和信息化委员会根据收到的干扰申诉及其他具体情况,进行无线电管理监督检查。        监督检查人员在执行公务时有权采取下列措施:        (1)进行现场检查、取证;        (2)要求被检查组织和个人提供有关材料和文件;        (3)询问当事人和证人,做出记录;        (4)依法制止不法行为,并采取防止造成进一步损害的处理措施;        (5)必要时可提请公安机关予以协助。        联系人:于玉航        联系电话:0371-65509960 0371-65506666        五、附则        1、本通告内容由河南省工业和信息化委员会负责解释。        2、本通告内容自公布之日起施行,本次上合组织峰会结束后自行废止。        3、涉外临时频率的审批事宜按国家有关规定办理。 Notice on Radio Management Duringthe meeting of the SCO Member StatesIn order to regulate radio management, meet the demands for radio frequency resources in radio services, ensure the normal working of legal radio transmitting equipment and radio stations, minimize the harmful interference to radio communications and maintain the good order of airwaves during the meeting of the SCO Member States, the relevant matters are hereby disseminated as follows:I.            Application for the Use of Radio Frequencies  During the period of the preparation for and the holding of meeting of the SCO Member States, an organization or individual applying for the setting and use of any radio station and radio transmitting equipment in the conference venue or other designated areas shall file an application for the use of radio frequencies with the Zhengzhou Radio Administration Bureau.Contact: Yu Yu-hang  Phone:0371-65509960 0371-65506666II. Management of Radio Equipment 1.  Any organization or individual having obtained the Written Decision on Approval of the Administrative License for the Use of Radio Frequencies During meeting of the SCO Member States shall, before any radio station and radio transmitting equipment entering the conference venue or other designated areas is put into use, send the relevant radio transmitting equipment to the testing site designated by the Zhengzhou Radio Administration Bureau. The Zhengzhou Radio Administration Bureau will test the equipment on the site. If it is inconvenient to move the equipment, a testing pre-engagement will be required.2. After passing the test, the radio station and radio transmitting equipment entering the conference venue or other designated areas will be affixed with the special label of “Radio Station License” by the Zhengzhou Radio Administration Bureau. The radio station and radio transmitting equipment can be operated and used only within the period and area specified on the special label according to the technical indicators determined by the Zhengzhou Radio Administration Bureau.3.  As for the use of roaming terminals connected with the public mobile communication networks in the Chinese Mainland, embedded wireless network cards for portable computers, wireless remote keys for automobiles, wireless remote control devices for cameras and other similar devices in the conference venue or other designated areas, it will be unnecessary to get the approval of the Zhengzhou Radio Administration Bureau or affix the special label of “Radio Station License”.4. Except for the abovementioned devices, other short-distance (micro-power) radio transmitting equipment (e.g., wireless microphones, radiophones, radio remote control toys, and public walkie talkies) shall not be used in the conference venue or other designated areas during the period of the preparation for and the holding of meeting of the SCO Member States, unless they have the Written Decision on Approval of the Administrative License for the Use of Radio Frequencies During meeting of the SCO Member States issued by the Zhengzhou Radio Administration Bureau and are affixed with the special label of “Radio Station License”.III. Entry (Exit) Control over Radio Transmitting EquipmentDuring the preparation for and holding of meeting of the SCO Member States, for temporarily imported radio stations and radio transmitting equipment to enter the conference venue or other designated areas, please go through the necessary formalities for the entry of such equipment and get the approval document at the Henan Province Industry and Information Commission based on the Written Decision on Approval of the Administrative License for the Use of Radio Frequencies During meeting of the SCO Member States; besides, such equipment shall be shipped out according to the applicable regulations of customs.IV. Radio Interference Report and Supervision & Inspection1.  If any radio equipment having been approved for use in the conference venue or other designated areas of meeting of the SCO Member States is subjected to radio interference, the related organization or individual may report the interference to The Henan Province Industry and Information Commission.2. As for radio stations and radio equipment that cause harmful interference and non-radio equipment that radiates radio waves, the users and owners of said equipment should take immediate actions to eliminate such harmful interference.3. The Henan Province Industry and Information Commission will supervise and inspect the radio management based on the interference reports received and other conditions.The supervision and inspection personnel may take the following measures when performing their duties:(1) Inspect and take evidence on the site;(2) Require the inspected organization or individual to provide relevant materials and documents;(3) Ask the parties involved and witnesses some questions and keep records thereof;(4) Stop illegal activities according to law, and take necessary measures to prevent further damage;(5) Seek assistance from the public security bureau when necessary.Contact: Yu Yu-hang  Phone:0371-65509960 0371-65506666V. Supplementary Provisions 1. The Henan Province Industry and Information Commission reserves the right to interpret the contents of this Notice.2. This Notice will be implemented from the date of release and abolished automatically when meeting of the SCO Member States is closed.3. As for matters related to the approval of temporary frequencies concerning foreign affairs, the applicable regulations of the state shall be followed. 
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