Notice of Department of Science and Technology of Henan Province on Publishing the Requirements for Bidders of Technical Demands 2019 在前期工作的基础上,河南省科学技术厅补充征集了第二批重大技术需求,现予以发布。欢迎符合条件的河南省外、境外的高校、科研机构和企业踊跃揭榜,主动与需求单位联系对接。
In order to tackle the urgent technical problems facing Henan industries by use of external innovation resources and accelerate the industrial transformation and upgrading, the Department of Science and Technology of Henan Province has selected the second batch of major technical demands, and now hereby releases them. We sincerely welcome universities, scientific research institutions and enterprises outside Henan province or outside China to bid for the technical demands and take the initiative to contact the demander. 揭榜方应为省外、境外注册的具有独立法人资格的高校、科研机构、企业等;应具有较强的研发团队、科研条件和自主研发能力,在相关领域拥有良好的科研业绩,具有较强的国际影响力,有能力完成张榜任务;应对项目需求提出攻克关键核心技术的可行方案,掌握自主知识产权;应具有良好的科研道德和社会诚信,近三年内无不良信用记录;鼓励揭榜方开展产学研合作、组团揭榜攻关;揭榜方不得与需求方存在股权关系和关联交易;具备需求方提出的其他具体条件。
The bidders shall be a university, a scientific research institution or an enterprise with independent legal personality registered outside Henan or outside China; shall have an excellent research and development team, appropriate scientific research conditions and independent research and development capabilities, and have made great scientific research achievements in related fields, possess strong international influence, and be capable of inviting public bidding; shall propose a feasible solution to key or core technologies of the project, and own independent intellectual property rights; and shall have good scientific research morality and social integrity, with no bad credit records in the past three years. The bidders are encouraged to carry out industry-university-research cooperation and to cooperate with others to win the bid; however, the bidders cannot have equity relationship or related transactions with the demander. In addition, the bidders shall also meet the specific requirements proposed by the demander. 政策咨询:
Policy consulting:
联系人:刘云霞 路 林
Contacts: Liu Yunxia, Lu Lin
联系电话:0371-86550957 0371-65953368
Tel: 0371-86550957 0371-65953368重大技术需求清单
The list of major technical demands
October 12, 2019

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