索 引 号:68075004X/2019-00071 | 主题分类:国民经济管理、国有资产监督/国有资产监督管理/业务信息/国有企业基本信息 | |
发布机构:航空港经济综合实验区(新郑综合保税区)财政局 | 关 键 词:基本信息 | |
文 号 | 成文日期:2019-12-17 | 发布日期:2019-12-17 |
体 裁 | 生效日期 | 废止日期 |
航都院Aerotropolis Institute(A.I.)是全球领先的机场影响区域开发领域的研究及咨询机构,1990年由北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校经济学终身教授约翰·卡萨达先生创立,迄今39年历史。约翰·卡萨达教授的“航空大都市”理论模型被《时代周刊》誉为改变世界十大构想之一。航都院(中国)Aerotropolis Institute China(A.I.C.)是航都院全球的重要战略分支,由约翰·卡萨达教授亲自出任院长,致力于中国及亚太地区的机场周边区域的经济发展研究及咨询。
Aerotropolis Institute (A.I.) is a world leading research and consulting agency in the field of development of airport-integrated areas, founded in 1990 by Professor John D. Kasarda, lifetime professor of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The aerotropolis theory, originally championed by Professor Kasarda, was featured in Time Magazine as one of the “10 Ideas that Will Change the World”. Aerotropolis Institute China (A.I.C.), chaired by Professor Kasarda, is a strategic branch of A.I., providing research and consulting services to promote economic development of airport-centered areas in China and Asia-Pacific.
A.I.C. practices a unique, efficient and practical methodology integrating “strategic route planning, industry planning and spacial planning”, based on Professor Kasarda’s aerotropolis model. It endeavors to meet the development needs of local governments and enterprises through close follow-up on the projects. Backed by 40 years of experience and world-class talents of A.I., A.I.C. helps clients build high-quality, vibrant and highly competitive airport cities by taking local features and economic conditions into full consideration. Its consulting services cover various fields, such as airport economy zone planning, enterprise top-level structure design, industrial parks planning, integration of global competitive industries and intellectual resources, industry planning and business recruitment. A.I. has conducted many projects worldwide including but not limited to Dubai World Center, New Songdo City (Incheon, R.O.K.), Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport, new Western Sydney Airport, Memphis of the U.S. (headquarter of FedEx), OR Tambo International Airport, Shanghai Pudong International Airport, Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone (China’s Aerotropolis), Qingdao Jiaodong International Airport Economy Zone and the North Area, Guangzhou Airport Economy Zone and Korla Airport Economy Zone.